Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Trade

1.Unless otherwise stated, the following definitions apply: "The Company" means DPT Machinists; "The Customer" means the person, firm or company with whom the Company makes a contract for the sale of goods.

2. The waiver of any terms and conditions herein by the Company shall only be effective if given in writing, signed by a director of the Company.

3. The Company will use its best endeavours to comply with any delivery date agreed with the Customer but shall be under no liability for any delay caused or for any direct or consequential loss resulting from late delivery, or from goods being damaged or lost before delivery for whatever reason.

4. Payment of goods is due on the 20th of the month after the date of invoice for account holders and buy cash, bank deposit or credit card before receipt of goods for cash buyers Cheques will be accepted but goods will not be released until clearance, usually 5 working days.

5. Prices will be those ruling at the date of despatch.

6. The company retains ownership of all goods supplied to the customer, until all debts or other obligations owed by the customer have been paid in full. Retention of Title - the property in the goods shall not pass to the Customer until the Customer has made payment in full under the contract between the Company and the Customer. So long as the property in the goods remains vested in the Company, the Company shall be at liberty at any time to retake possession thereof, and for that purpose enter upon the premises of the Customer.

7. The Customer shall pay all reasonable costs and/or expenses incurred by the Company in instructing a solicitor and/or debt collection agency to recover any amount overdue for payment by the Customer.

8. Returns - goods returned for credit within 14 days of despatch will be credited in full if the Company has supplied the incorrect goods. If correct goods have been supplied a restocking fee of 20% may be charged. Goods specially sourced are non-returnable.

9. Goods damaged in transit must be notified to both the Carrier and to the Company within seven days of receipt.

WARRANTY Summary: All products are covered by a limited lifetime warranty. DPT Machinists warrants all products to be free from defects in materials or workmanship for the life of the product. This warranty is subject to the product being used for its intended purpose and in accordance with installation and operation instructions. DPT Machinists warrants that it will repair or replace faulty products. Replacement, repair or adjustment necessitated by misuse, negligence, modification, inadequate maintenance or failure to comply with installation/operation instructions, as well as any incidental or consequential losses are specifically excluded,

To obtain the extended warranty the inside of your rear chamber and both faces of the baffles must be sprayed with a thin coat of WD40 after every day out shooting (do this at the same time you clean your rifle) and also before long periods of storage. To do this, you will need to remove the baffles from the rear chamber and disassemble the baffle stack, failing to do this will void the extended warranty.

Extended warranty lasts for five years after a product/model has been discontinued, consumables, ie: replaceable aluminium suppressor baffles are not covered by the extended warranty as they do wear with use.

Note: This warranty statement may be amended from time to time - please refer to the documentation included with your product for current and specific details.


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